Kathryn Rohrer Kathryn Rohrer

Less is More: New Letter to the Editor About Los Olivos Sewer Saga

This letter was written in light of ongoing public comments by LOCSD Dir. Fayram and GM Savage advocating for the largest, most expensive, most outdated and environmentally destructive possible “solution” to this tiny township’s alleged nitrate “problem.”

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Kathryn Rohrer Kathryn Rohrer

Los Olivos Gifted a “Yes and . . .” Moment:  Protect the Groundwater AND Preserve our History and Open Spaces

Preservation of Los Olivos (POLO) to the Rescue

The Los Olivos Community Service District is gifted a $75,000 Grant to complete a third-party study to determine the most efficient and cost-effective wastewater options for Los Olivos residents, to protect the groundwater, and to preserve our quaint town’s history and open spaces.

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Kathryn Rohrer Kathryn Rohrer

Is the Los Olivos CSD Inadvertently Attracting Developers that Will Pave Over the SYV’s Open Spaces?

For the Los Olivos Community Services District — charged with devising an affordable and palatable solution to the tiny, historic township’s groundwater quality problem — it beginning to look less like a simple matter of “if you build it, they will come.” Rather, “they” (whoever they are) are already here and itching to break ground. Moreover, if we’re not careful, local residents could end up footing the bill for the infrastructure that is going to be necessary to support the current and future large-scale development.

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Kathryn Rohrer Kathryn Rohrer

No LAFCO-ing Matter: If you build it, they will come

Local landowner and resident concerns about the possibility of expansion and sprawl are not “scare tactics” or unfounded. It is essential that the sewer component of this project be kept small — in order to preserve what is special about our historic town and our beautiful Valley.

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Kathryn Rohrer Kathryn Rohrer

I Stand by My Statements: Flush the Board

I write to tell anyone interested that I stand by my statements in the “Flush the Board” flyer recently distributed both on this website (see Oct. 18, 2022 post) and in hard copies delivered door-to-door.

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Kathryn Rohrer Kathryn Rohrer

Get out the VOTE: Flush the Board

We can use VOTING POWER to protect historic Los Olivos from the expansive and destructive project the current board members have been pursuing for the last year and a half.

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