Things Keep Getting Curiouser and Curiouser . . .

This letter by Guy Savage, general manager of the Los Olivos Community Services District (LOCSD), is published in the Santa Barbara Independent for your consideration.

When placed in context, this passage is a little confusing:

We will complete our primary wastewater engineering studies by December. Those studies will be the basis for a series of workshops that will educate residents on the pros/cons/costs of potential solutions. Using input from the workshops, the district’s Board of Directors will draft a project.

Here’s my first question: Didn't we already have workshops (like this one) and a project -- one that the LOCSD Board said it was going to pursue? This one: Project Description, which the CSD had already spent taxpayer money on and had land for. Most people in town seem to be under the impression that this still is the plan, so what is it that the CSD is spending money on now?

Relatedly, I am planning to keep asking this question because, to me, Mr. Savage’s letter makes it sound like we’re starting from scratch . . . four years into this project:

How much time and/or money has the LOCSD Board spent in the last, say, 12 months on anything that remotely resembles the project described in the Project Description adopted three years ago by unanimous Resolution 19-04?

Please save the date for the Candidates Forum on October 5th and bring YOUR questions.


OpEd: Waste Matters in Los Olivos


Op Ed: No Super-Sized Sewer in Los Olivos