FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION: Public comment re transparency & public engagement

This thoughtful public comment was submitted to the CSD Board on June 30, 2022, for inclusion as part of the July 13, 2022 CSD Meeting, which we hope you will attend!

Los Olivos Community Service District

Waste Water Treatment Plan

July 13, 2022

Public Comment: Tom Nelson, resident

There was considerable conflict and drama during the original discussions surrounding the need for a wastewater treatment plan for the Los Olivos community and whether the desired path was through the existing infrastructure of other Districts or through the formation of the Los Olivos Community Service District.

I was not in favor of forming the LOCSD for a variety of reasons. However, the majority of the community decided that was what they wanted and as in a democracy, they prevailed and the LOCSD was formed and directors elected and the job began.

What became important out of it all was that the LO Community wanted “Local Control” and did not want to create and encourage expansion and uncontrolled growth, if any at all.

My address to the LOCSD Directors tonight goes directly to that point.

I reviewed every agenda and reported minutes, including associated documents, of the LOCSD prior to preparing my statement.

There is a situation where it appears that things have changed by actions of the LOCSD Board without the inclusion of the community and against the desires of the community.

When the LOCSD was established and at the August 14, 2019 meeting Resolution 19-04 was unanimously passed by the LOCSD Board. It resolved to establish the “project description” as a “Local Phased Approach” in a “Package Plant Method.”

Meaning, that the entire project would be designed and planned for individual “Package Plants” for each of the phases of the project and not one centralized wastewater treatment facility. This plan was adopted to limit the costs and the uncontrolled growth that a centralized treatment plant would encourage, and it was the plan that the community supported.

During the ensuing months, and years, a contract was entered into between the LOCSD and the Stanec company to propose and design the desired “Phased Package Plant Project.”

In September 2021, the plan appears to have changed from a multiple small package plan model to a single plant model without any public notice or input. Further, the “Update of the project description” was introduced and ultimately approved by the LOCSD board without publication of the intended “Update” or public discussion of the “Update.” This “Update” in reality obliterated Resolution 19-04 improperly. A motion is a formal proposal by a member to do something. Motions are the basis of the group decision making process. They focus the group on what is being decided.

Instead of being given verbally, a motion may be made in writing, called a Resolution. Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised (RONR) states that to rescind, repeal, annul or amend something previously adopted, (a Resolution) must be brought before the assembly. There must be an amendment to the Resolution

All of this means that the original Resolution must be brought forward, a motion to amend must be made, a second entered and subsequent discussion. All of this is to be done in the open public meetings under the Brown Act, not in a closed session.

As it stands now, Resolution 19-04 is intact and unamended as a Resolution because the “update of the project description” did not address the original Resolution as required.

Now, we do not desire to create a further divide or conflict with the LOCSD Board and the community it serves. Rather, we would like to present the opportunity for the LOCSD Board to publicly step back and bring this project description and plan back to the community in an open and transparent manner.

There may be a very valid and desirable reason to reassess the plan and make a change. However, do it with us involved and not in a manner that presents the appearance of corruption. This does not look good. You were elected by this community and we want to be part of the solution and not a problem.

However, you must trust us as much as we want to trust you.

Convince us otherwise.

We want to believe and support you, our LOCSD Board of Directors.

Sincere Regards,  Thomas A. Nelson, xxx Xxxx Ave., P.O. Box xxx, Los Olivos, CA  93441


So Many Questions for the LOCSD


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