So Many Questions for the LOCSD

Dear Neighbors,

It was great to meet and hear from so many of you during LOCAL Control’s Pastries on the Patio gathering in July, and we look forward to meeting even more of you soon! Here are few quick items that may be of interest:


We hope that you will be able to attend the Los Olivos Community Services District (LOCSD) General Meeting at 6:00 p.m. tomorrow, Wednesday, August 10th.  The agenda packet for the meeting is available on the LOCSD’s website.  Note that, during last month’s meeting, the LOCSD Board limited comments and questions from community members to the “Public Comment” period (#4 on the current agenda), which occurs before the LOCSD Directors and Staff present their reports updates, and the LOCSD has also removed the call for future agenda items from its agendas. LOCAL Control hopes the Board will at least permit community engagement on the “Business Items” (#7 on the current agenda). We look forward to hearing more from the Board about how the LOCSD Board thinks these changes affect the community’s ability to understand and engage on the long-standing concern about improving this community’s groundwater quality.

Engagement on the Facts

We also look forward to hearing President Fayram’s comments in response to my personal request that he clarify and substantiate the comment he posted on Facebook on July 11, 2022, as well as several statements made by LOCSD Board Members during the LOCSD’s July 13, 2022 General Meeting.


The LOCSD has posted an interesting and lengthy update on its website, so be sure to check that out.  On page 3 of the update, the LOCSD mentions its “keen interest” in shallow aquifer injection as a disposal option. It will be interesting to hear from the LOCSD how locating a sewage treatment plant with reinjection wells beyond the southern boundaries of both the District and our designated Special Problem Area serves the interests of this community or in any way serves to recharge our Special Problem Area’s groundwater. 

We also look forward to hearing more from the LOCSD’s General Manager, Guy Savage, how the community should interpret the news in his update (page 5 of the agenda packet) that drilling of a groundwater monitoring well has been put “On Hold” in light of the fact that groundwater monitoring was supposed to be an integral and essential part of determining whether any collection and treatment system will even be necessary after the downtown commercial core is put on a sewer system and treated water is reinjected to recharge the groundwater at the northern end of our designated Special Problem Area.


Finally, although the LOCSD Board has not mentioned anything about this seemingly big news, it has been up on the Heal the Ocean website for months now. As a result, we are eager to hear more from the LOCSD Board very soon about Heal the Ocean’s leadership role in tackling the “Los Olivos problem”!


OPINION: Why the CSD Board is Facing a Crisis of Confidence (The Proof is in the Pudding)


FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION: Public comment re transparency & public engagement